The Best Pink Christmas Trees for the Pink Lovers

Pink Christmas tree girls bedroom

Weather you are looking for a Pink Christmas tree, a blush Christmas tree, or a pink Christmas tabletop tree, I have roundup all of my favorites for you this year! Pink Christmas tree are my jam y’all!! This year I got my first real pink Christmas tree for Sophia’s room and is oh so lovely. I want to stare at it all day lol!

pink bottle brush tree

I have also collected quite a few mini bottle brush trees and pink feather trees. I use them to decorate my house around the holidays, to create tablescapes or on my Christmas village. Pink bottle brush trees are some what hard to find. The ones with little ornaments on them are vintage, but you can usually find them at Etsy or at Hobby Lobby if you are lucky. 

pink feather Christmas tree

However, the mini bottle brush trees are available in many places like Target, Anthropologie and Michael’s. This year, I found these feather pink Christmas trees at The Christmas Tree shop when I went for my fall decor. That’s right, if you see something you want grab it. They sell out so quick. 

pink gingerbread house Pin this image on Pinterest

But fear not pink lovers, I have searched the internet and roundup the best pink Christmas trees for you. 

Full size Christmas trees:

Blush Christmas treePin this image on Pinterest

The below trees are full size, and come in the most gorgeous pink colors. Mine is the TreeTopia Christmas tree one. Even though it looks hot pink is more like a bubble gum pink. 

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Tabletop Pink Christmas trees

pink Christmas tablescapePin this image on Pinterest

The 2ft to 3ft pink Christmas trees are tabletop trees. These are perfect for a little girl’s bedroom or just to decorate a little corner. They also come in beautiful powder pink colors or metallic pink. 

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Pink Bottle Brush Trees

vintage bottle brush Christmas treePin this image on Pinterest

These are my favorites. I can never get enough of these little trees. Every year I add a couple more to my collection. I have in all sizes and shapes. They are so fun to display around the house in sets of two or three or to use them like I did here on my Pink Christmas village

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Pink Christmas table setting, pink SantaPin this image on Pinterest

Pink Christmas tree Pin this image on Pinterest

Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my favorite Pink Christmas trees. I hope you loved my selections and was able to find some pink trees for yourself!


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