Answering the most asked questions here. Please feel free to leave me a comment if you have any other questions that was not answered.

Q: What paint color is your bedroom/house?
The house was already painted when we bought it. Since it was a really nice white I didn’t feel the need to paint it again. I have painted the bathroom and the kitchen when we renovated with White Dove by Benjamin Moore. It’s a very close match.
Q: Where are your bedroom curtains & curtains rods from?
My bedroom curtains are from Wayfair Velvet black out curtains in ivory. You can also find them at Amazon here! Color vanilla. They are linked in my Master Bedroom reveal post (along with all other sources). The color is Ivory. Curtain rods are from Amazon and also linked in the post.

Q: What type of countertops do you have in your kitchen?
My countertops are quarts from MSI. You can find all the sources on my kitchen before and after remodel post.
Q: Where is your kitchen faucet & backsplash from?
My kitchen faucet is the bridge faucet from Rohl in Inca brass. Backsplash is marble subway tile linked in my Kitchen before and after remodel post.

Q: Where is your white console table from?
You can find all the detail of my Ikea Kallax Hack here. The inserts are also from Ikea.